
On a spontaneous-ish trip to Japan, where I was staying with (and pretty much following around) my good friend Liu Puli, we ended up in his home town of Osaka around the time of Halloween. Out on the weekend, we met up with some of his friends and skated the streets, eventually making our way towards Triangle Park, a famous landmark for young folk to hang out, drink and sometimes skateboard.

volcom_halloweenWe skated a spot around the corner from Triangle Park until Mr. Volcom himself came and hung with the group. It was now when we figured we had better go to Triangle Park, before Triangle Park came to us…


triangle_park_square_halloween1It was quite busy

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liu_puli skeleton_bike

Things were getting too much a bit too fast, so it was off to the FamilyMart for some drinks

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Things outside were a blur, but luckily I already had a few to drink, so my camera managed to get a few good memorable moments

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hermaphrodite cow and transgender ninja turtles

liu_puli_halloween1Puli was enjoying himself


triangle_park_halloween skateboards1

After walking past overflowing bins and trash on the floor, people began to realise there was fun to be had by our stack of skateboards nearby

liu_puli_halloween2 halloween_skate

some pretty sober looking skating apparently went down


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though, some people needed help

halloween_skate5and others got over people using their boards pretty quickly…

liu_puli_halloween3 liu_puli_halloween4

but Puli was enjoying himself, as usual


triangel_park_halloween3by the time most of the people had thinned out in the park, we looked at our phones for the time and found it was almost the hour of sunrise

liu_puli_skateSo we took to the road on skateboard and bike

liu_puli_bikesharing both drunkenly til the crack of dawn


all the way back to the Puli residence, to drink some more alcohol..


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